How to Get the Bloodsoaked Set in Elden Ring Detailed with Step-by-Step Instructions at

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The Bloodsoaked Set is a piece of armor that can be obtained in Elden Ring and comes as a set of three pieces

The Bloodsoaked Set is a piece of armor that can be obtained in Elden Ring and comes as a set of three pieces. One of the lightest armor sets that can be obtained, its weight is only 3.6, making it one of the best options. It is common knowledge that non-playable Elden Ring runes reliable sellers (NPCs) like the invader Inquisitor Ghiza wear it. This is not the case for players, however. Because of each piece, you have a level of defense against the assaults of your foe that allows you to withstand any damage, including those that could potentially be fatal.

It should not come as a surprise that the Bloodsoaked mask is one of the best late-game Armor Sets to acquire, especially when one takes into consideration the fact that it provides an increase in focus and vitality resistances.

It is usable with builds such as the God of Blood Build because it is compatible with those builds and can be used with those builds. It is also possible to combine it with the Bloodboon ritual skill, which transforms Elden Ring runes into an extremely dangerous foe on its own.

This guide has been compiled for your use so that it can assist you in locating all three pieces of the Bloodsoaked Set within Elden Ring. Please feel free to make use of it.

Places inside of Elden Ring to search for the Bloodsoaked SetThe Bloodsoaked Set stands out among Elden Ring's other armor sets due to the fact that it only includes three pieces, rather than the standard number of four pieces that are included in most sets. These components are the Official's Attire (helm), the Bloodsoaked Manchettes (gauntlets), and the Bloodsoaked Mask (helm).

You will only need to search in a single location in order to locate both the Mask and the Manchettes. On the other hand, the clothes that the officials are required to wear can be retrieved from a different location.

The mask that has been drenched in blood, Elden Ring runes along with blood-drenched manchettesIn order to acquire the Bloodsoaked Mask and the Bloodsoaked Manchettes, you will first need to make your way to the Underground Roadside Site of Grace, which is marked on the map that can be found up above.

After you have arrived at the location that has been marked, continue forward into the primary tunnel, and then make your way to the left side of the entrance. You will come across a massive guard who is posted here to protect the passageway leading into the tunnel. Fight and defeat him using ranged attacks, then head to the left side of the room near the golden rune, and collect the two pieces of Bloodsoaked armor that have been set up next to the crates there.

The Proper Attire for OfficialsThe Official's Attire can be found in the Forbidden Lands at the site of Grace. The location of this item can be found there. Simply exit the building and re-enter it to reach the elevator. You should take the elevator to get to the upper floors, but you should keep in mind that it is not necessary for you to ride the elevator all the way to the top floor. An entrance that can be discovered on the elevator somewhere in the middle of the journey up leads to a passage that is concealed from public view.

Once you have located the opening, time your jump so that you land inside the opening, and then proceed to the hidden hallway, you will find the remaining pieces of the armor set on a corpse located inside the hidden hallway. The Blade of Calling can be found in the very same location as it was before.