How to Enhance Your AC Efficiency to Save on Energy Bills

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For most homeowners, air conditioning systems take up at least 12% of the entire energy cost. During the summer, this percentage goes higher to more than 70%. Your AC system is most likely the highest consumer of energy in your home and this fact holds for most homeowners.

If you’re reading this article, you probably want to improve your AC efficiency so it doesn’t gobble down your income. Most homeowners think somewhere along the lines of: ‘I need an AC service near me to spend more on other things I need’. The bad part is that this process isn’t always easy.

The good part is that you can utilize some tips to improve your AC’s efficiency and save on electricity costs. Nevertheless, you have to understand the signs of an inefficient AC.


Signs of an Inefficient AC

Higher Electricity Bills

One way to know your AC unit is inefficient is if your electricity costs are climbing. An inefficient AC usually requires more energy to operate. If in the past months, you’ve had to pay a lot more for electricity, it could be due to your AC system.


Ice on Your AC Compressor

When you see ice forming on your AC unit, you have to contact a technician for air conditioning repair. Ice usually starts to accumulate on an AC system because of a coolant line leak.

Coil damage could also trigger ice forming on an AC compressor. No matter the issue that caused the ice, seeing it means that your AC is inefficient.



How to Boost Air Conditioning Efficiency

Close Doors and Windows

ACs are designed to bring air into a room. In essence, it doesn’t work well when the air escapes outside of the room. You have to close your doors and windows to ensure that your AC works at an optimal level. If you want cross ventilation, then you’ll have to switch off your AC unit and open your windows.


Replace Your AC Filter

If your AC receives enough air, it’ll work at an optimal level. However, if your filter is dirty, it won’t work excellently.

Apart from taking a longer period to cool your room, dirty air filters will also decrease the air quality in your home. Dirty AC filters get reduced airflow and this triggers the AC system to work harder than it should to achieve the same level of coolness.

You need to replace your AC filter occasionally to ensure it works optimally. If you ignore changing the filters, it could lead to damage and a costly repair.


Schedule Maintenance

If you schedule maintenance with an AC service, you’ll increase the useful life of the machine. AC professionals are great at inspecting ACs and ensuring that they work optimally. They can also give you DIY tips on how to maintain your AC system.